Thursday, February 22, 2007

Religious Dialogue in Iran

I was very please to read this article from the United Methodist News Service. A group of US religious leaders travelled to Iran to discuss peace with Iranian religious leaders.

In particular, I appreciated this bit: "Peace is the key teaching of Christianity and Islam and this will be realized in our lives," said Archbishop Sabu Sarkission of the Armenian Orthodox church in Iran. "This is the product of dialogue."

It's good to hear that at least some people are thinking about peace, especially between the US and Iran.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Lent is almost here. It starts tomorrow. I'm one of those crazy people who really likes Lent. For some reason, the darker side of Christianity has always had a stronger draw for me. I think I'm probably just a moody musician at heart, and Lent is a great chance to really wallow. In any case, I've been looking forward to Lent for several weeks now, and it's finally here. I've got my black cassock ready.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Bishop's call for new US Budget priorities

I came across this great article on the United Methodist News Service. Well, I guess it's not the article that's great, it's the story.