Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Theological Pop: The Not-So-Definitive List

On Monday I presented one of the songs of my Theological Pop list to my colloquium group at Iliff. Some of the members expressed an interest in having my complete list, so I'm posting it here for them and the rest of you.

Just a reminder of what Theological Pop. Requirement one is that it can't be expressly religious music. Contemporary Christian music is completely disallowed. It has to be a regular pop (or other secular genre) musician. Second, it has to have some kind of theological (including spiritual or ethical) message, even if the song has to be taken out of context in order to get that message. I don't really care what the artist intended. If it speaks to me theologically, it's in.

One final disclaimer: this list is limited by the bounds of my music collection. I haven't done any research on this; it's just my opinion. Take a look and let me know what you think. What songs would be on your theological pop list?

Blues Traveler, Four, "Just Wait" -- listen to it as the voice of God.
---- Straight On Till Morning, "Battle of Someone" -- it's the battle of good and evil in a person, flesh and spirit.
-------- "The Gunfighter" -- Sometimes you've just got to make your best guess on how to live and accept the consequences.
-------- "Make My Way" -- the journey that is life.
Don McLean, American Pie, "Crossroads" -- this was very powerful during my process of discerning a call.
Harry Connick, Jr., She, "Booker" -- issues of broken heart, loss of faith. What is the role of the Church?
---- Star Turtle, "Eyes of the Seeker" -- sometimes we have to follow our own path and make our own mistakes.
Jewel, Pieces of You, "Who Will Save Your Soul" -- social justice and the desire to be "saved."
-------- "Pieces of You" -- Inclusion and exclusion.
-------- "I'm Sensitive" -- a beautiful song about beautiful optimism in a pessimistic world.
-------- "Amen" -- Amen.
John Lennon, The Lennon Project, "Imagine All the People" -- when does religion get in the way of the goals of religion?
Nancy King & Glen Moore, Cliff Dance, "Pretty Red Truck" -- this song just makes me happy.
Robert Palmer, Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley, "Get Outside" -- when you're stressed: Get Outside!
Rolling Stones, "Can't Always Get What You Want" -- but you get what you need.
Sting, Mercury Falling, "Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot" -- trust the good sense God gave you.
-------- "I Was Brought To My Senses" -- a creation hymn.
-------- "I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying" -- a song for the divorced father.
---- Nothing Like the Sun..., "Rock Steady" -- the Noah story (for real).
-------- "The Secret Marriage" -- the true covenant that is beyond the ceremony.
---- Sacred Love, "Inside" -- what is love? how do we love?
-------- "Send Your Love" -- the power of love to change even the future. What is religion?
-------- "Whenever I Say Your Name" -- a song about prayer.
-------- "Dead Man's Rope" -- walking the journey of faith.
-------- "This War" -- theological reflections on war and Iraq.
-------- "The Book of My Life" -- reflections on a life.
-------- "Sacred Love" -- eros, philos, and agape.
---- Ten Summoner's Tales, "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You" -- science, politicians, even the church will fail, but God will not.
-------- "Saint Augustine In Hell" -- it's actually about St. Augustine.
-------- "It's Probably Me" -- the voice of Christ.
---- The Dream of the Blue Turtles, "If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free" -- self-explanitory.
Vitamin C, Vitamin C, "Smile" -- another song about the power of optimism.
-------- "Girls Against Boys" -- gender issues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, David! This is Mary Ann. Thanks so much for the list!

May I put your blog on my favorites list? And I also blog, on livejournal-- let me know if you want my username. :D

9:58 PM  
Blogger Closed said...


Here's a few...this is a good idea...I'll post more later:

--Hands: when you need reminding that we're all called to be the love of God in the world...
--Abscence of Fear: remembering that perfect love casts out fear...

Tori Amos-"Little Earthquakes"
--Cruficy: remembering you don't need to be a doormat for Jesus...
--Little Earthquakes: life has it's ups and downs...

"Beatiful" by Christina Aguilerra--no matter who you are or where you are on your journey, God loves you...

Sarah McLachlan-"Afterglow"
--World on Fire: heaven and earth are full of God's glory...

--Building a Mystery: God isn't done with us yet...

"Rarities, B-Sides, and Other Stuff"
--Dear God:--when you're pissed at God and you just need to rant a little...

Black-Eyed Peas
--Where Is the Love?: when life seems hopeless...

Josh Groban, "Josh Groban"
--Canto Alla Vita: life wins out...

"You Raise Me Up"
--You Raise Me Up: we are always in the care of God even in our hardest times...

9:05 AM  
Blogger david said...

Thanks Christopher. Those are some great suggestions. I'm going to have look some of those up and take a listen.

1:07 PM  

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