Tuesday, April 10, 2007


This afternoon we just had the first weekly meeting of local area pastors for a lectionary study. It was great. We just had a few there this first time -- four of us -- but it was a great time. Not only did we get a chance to share insights about the upcoming texts for this Sunday, but we also got a chance to just be colleagues. I mentioned in some previous posts about the isolation that I've experienced here, which is to be expected. But this was a great chance to connect with others who are in similar situations. I'm very excited that we're going to be meeting every week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish there was a lectionary group here. (There may be, but if so it's a fundamentalist group, and they haven't told me about it. *sob*)

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! So has the group kept meeting? How does it proceed?

5:51 AM  

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