Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Lectio Divina

I'm taking a class, Praying with Scripture, taught by Rev. Brad Berglund. This week's assignment is Lectio Divina, a quite interesting and ancient form of prayer developed by St. Benedict. Check it out at MethodX or check out the book we're reading:


Blogger gavin richardson said...

i love lectio, it's become one of my most nurturing ways to digest scripture. my friend put it best this way.

when you get a package of pictures developed, you run through the lot really fast. this is your first reading. then you start through the pictures a 2nd time a bit slower, starting to take notice of the details and particulars you like. the 2nd reading. then you go through the pictures again pulling the pictures that have great meaning to you. they become the pictures you show on your walls and mantles. the third reading..

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also like lectio-- but it also seems a bit strange to me! It strikes me as being something of a method for compressing the nuanced reading(s) that come from living with a text for quite some time, into a short period. And kind of narrates ways to reread without skittering over the text....


4:22 AM  

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