Sunday, June 25, 2006


It was our first Sunday in Coos Bay today. But it's not yet my first Sunday at Coos Bay UMC.

Last night we snuck over to the church with Melissa's parents. My name is on the sign: "Reverend David King". It was a little odd to see that. The pastor's study is pretty much cleared out. My business cards are almost made. My article for the church newsletter has been submitted. And on the table outside the sanctuary there was a scrapbook page displayed that featured Melissa and I at Annual Conference. Again, a little odd to see that. But it's not my Sunday yet.

Melissa and I went to the local Episcopal Church for worship. Only got lost in the liturgy once or twice. I met Father Steve, the rector, and Father Gene, the retired rector, as well as many other friendly folk. Hopefully we'll be able to work together on at least some eccumenical projects. They seemed agreeable.

Today was Elizabeth's last Sunday at Coos Bay UMC. She has served ably as and interim pastor for the past 5 months or so. Those I've talked to seem very thankful for her ministry. I'll meet her for the first time on Tuesday, and that's also when I'll start coming to the office.

We're getting settled in the house. Our cat, Turtle, has rejoined us after spending three years with Melissa's parents, and she is busy claiming every inch of the house as her own. I'm starting to do the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

David - it must be a wild time. Good luck tomorrow!

Does Turtle still talk all the time?

4:36 PM  

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